Month: February 2022

Institute of Technology Sepuluh November

ITS Advancing Humanity Institute of Technologiy Sepuluh November (ITS) is attached to the history of the struggle for independence of the Republic of Indonesia. The establishment of ITS was pioneered…

Gadjah Mada University

Considered one of the oldest universities in Indonesia, Universitas Gadjah Mada serves as a pillar of educational awakening in Indonesia, and purports to be a defender and disseminator of Pancasila.…

Udayana University

In the beginning of the 1960s, the people of Bali aspired to have a Tertiary Institution on the island. In order to realize this aspiration, on May 12th 1961, several…

Diponegoro University

History In the early 1950s, people in Central Java, especially in Semarang, needed a university for providing higher learning and teaching facilities. It has been purpose to support of government…

Parahyangan Catholic University

History With the completion of the War of Independence at the end of 1949, then in 1950 began efforts to build the Indonesian nation. At that time there appeared to…

Atmajaya University

Date of Establishment: 1st June 1960 Founder: Atma Jaya Foundation The idea of establishing a catholic university in Indonesia was proposed at a meeting between bishops of Java held in Jakarta…

Prasetiya Mulya University

A Collaborative Learning By Enterprising Universitas Prasetiya Mulya upholds the belief that collaboration is important in today’s learning process, not only in terms of theoretical knowledge and abilities but also…

Bina Nusantara University

The journey of Bina Nusantara University or known as Binus University, began on October 21, 1974. It originated from a short-term course named Modern Computer Course, which then expanded because…

Padjadjaran University

Padjadjaran University, of Universitas Padjadjaran or known by the abbreviation Unpad is one of the public universities in Indonesia. Unpad was established on September 11, 1957, with a campus location…

Bandung Institute of Technology

Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) is the first technical high school in Indonesia established on March 2, 1959 in West Java which carries out the mission of science and technology…