ITS Advancing Humanity
Institute of Technologiy Sepuluh November (ITS) is attached to the history of the struggle for independence of the Republic of Indonesia. The establishment of ITS was pioneered by the independence fighters of the Republic of Indonesia since 1957, involving Dr. Angka Nitisastro, Soedjasmono, Kyai Haji Yahya Hasyim, and supported by Roeslan Abdulgani. A new motto for a new spirit in creating innovation through technology and knowledge for society. Advancing Humanity was chosen to be a new motivation to continue to play an active role in human civilization according to ITS ideals. Keep your enthusiasm for ITS students! Vivat!
Become a world-class university that contributes to the independence of the nation and becomes a reference in education, research and community service also the development of innovation, especially those that support industry and marine.
Contribute to science and technology for the welfare of society through activities in education, research, community service and management based on information and communication technology.