30 years of momentum

NTU marked its 30th anniversary with the launch of a digital time capsule to hold the university’s most defining moments.

Sealed on 9 December 2021, the time capsule contains an inspirational collection of past and present memories contributed by members of the NTU community. View all 30 items in the gallery below and scan the QR codes for Augmented Reality surprises and to immerse yourself in a complete audio-video experience.

The digital time capsule will be opened on NTU’s 50th anniversary in 2041. A compelling read about the stories behind inventions that might be taken for granted in 2041, it will also trace our progress over the next 20 years and motivate the next generation of innovators to push the boundaries even further.

Message from NTU President

NTU President Prof Subra Suresh sheds light on NTU’s transformative journey and acknowledges the efforts of the OneNTU Community in steering the university to global distinction.

Highlighting the university’s role in advancing knowledge and impacting humanity through innovation and research, he traces the evolution of NTU from a training institute serving Singapore’s manpower needs to becoming a leading global research university.

Prof Suresh encourages the students, faculty and staff to continue building on each other’s momentum and to be guided by the pioneering spirit that has marked NTU’s trajectory to success. 

Thirty Years of Momentum, 30 Perspectives, NTU’s commemorative book, can be found here: https://ebook.ntu.edu.sg/thirty-years-of-momentum.html

Location of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

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