We provide education for all people based on the “founding spirit” and produce talented human resources who support the country and region.
Message From President, Fukuoka University

Guided by a commitment to education and research that is based on its founding philosophy, Fukuoka University, which has approximately ninety years of history and tradition, has grown as a center of education, research, and healthcare that encompasses thirty-one departments across nine undergraduate faculties and thirty-four programs across ten graduate schools.
Over 275,000 graduates have pursued, and continue to pursue, careers in every field and location as they lend robust support to regional society in Japan and to international society in the
Our first and foremost mission is to educate. I believe that it is crucial to foster an awareness of mutual growth and development. As we look toward the100th anniversary of our founding, we adopt “Rise with Us” as a slogan that captures the spirit of mutual growth and development required of our institution today. Our goal is for students, faculty members, graduates, campuses, and regional society to come together in dynamic partnership in an effort to realize the growth and development required of our institution today.
As institutions of higher education, universities today are being called upon to innovate in response to the needs of our times and society. Advancing globalization and computerization in todayʼs international society are driving major changes in the worldʼs economies, industries, and societies as Japan welcomes a new era that poses challenges, including significant declines in its productive-age population, rapid change in the structure of its industries, and the need to create a new basis for regional society.
As one of western Japanʼs leading universities, Fukuoka University will offer education, research, and healthcare while contributing to both regional and international society and bringing together the collective wisdom of graduates who are active in a diverse range of fields as it continues to thrive globally in response to this new era.