
With the completion of the War of Independence at the end of 1949, then in 1950 began efforts to build the Indonesian nation. At that time there appeared to be a major deficiency, namely not enough highly educated experts to build Indonesia. Legal scholars alone there are only about 200 people even though the population of Indonesia is already more than 90 million.

Seeing this situation, the leadership of the Catholic Church in Indonesia feels called to participate in facing the problem. The bishops agreed to establish a Catholic university in Indonesia. But at that time it was not immediately followed by concrete action because establishing a university was clearly not easy.

Establishment of the First Faculty

January 17, 1955, was the first milestone of the establishment of a college now known as Parahyangan Catholic University. On that day the BUSINESS ACADEMY was established by the Diocese of Bandung, as a result of cooperation between the bishop of Bandung Mgr.P.M.Arntz, OSC. (alm) with the bishop of Bogor Mgr.Prof.Dr.N.J.C.Geise,OFM. (Alm). Then in August 1955, the Business Academy was upgraded to Parahyangan Socio-Economic College which is now the Faculty of Economics of Parahyangan Catholic University.

Establishment of the Second Faculty

On September 15, 1958, a new faculty was opened at the Socio-Economic College. This new faculty is the Faculty of Law. In line with that, the name of Parahyangan Socio-Economic College was changed to Parahyangan Catholic College. October 31, in accordance with the applicable provisions, established a Foundation, which has legal status, as the organizing body of Parahyangan Catholic College.

Establishment of the Third Faculty

In 1960, Unpar opened a new faculty again, namely the Faculty of Engineering, which has two majors namely Civil Engineering and Architectural Engineering.

Establishment of the Fourth Faculty

In 1961, Unpar re-established a new faculty, namely faculty of social politics. Thus, Parahyangan Catholic University has four faculties: Economics, Law, Engineering, Social Politics. In this year also issued Law No. 22 of 1961 on Higher Education, so that the name of Parahyangan Catholic College was changed to PARAHYANGAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY.

Becoming an Equalized University

April 19, 1962, with the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science No. 50 of 1962, Parahyangan Catholic University was designated as a University that is equated with a State University.

Establishment of a Scientific Research Institute

in 1963, the development of the University takes precedence not in the increase of faculties, but in the improvement of scientific facilities and infrastructure. Thus established the Institute of Scientific Research, to support the implementation of tri dharma higher education in general.

Re-strengthening of Equalized Status

In 1981, with the enactment of new regulations on accreditation and the age of accreditation in the Ministry of Education and Culture, then with the Decree of the Minister No. 027/0/1981, Parahyangan Catholic University was reaffirmed as an equalized Private College, for a period of three years.

Establishment of the Fifth Faculty

On January 1, 1983, the incorporation of the College of Philosophy and Theology of Suryagung Bumi into Parahyangan Catholic University under the name of the Faculty of Philosophy was confirmed by Kopertis decree region IV number 515/KOP/IV/Q/82 dated November 20, 1982. October 19, 1983, the Faculty of Philosophy was authorized by the Ministry of Education and Culture with Ministerial Decree No. 0446/0/1983 under the name of Faculty of Philosophy, majoring in Religion with registered status up to undergraduate level.

Renaming of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

On January 20, 1985, Parahyangan Catholic University was reaffirmed as a private university that was equated for a period of five years, with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number: 040/0/1985. In accordance with the contents of the decree, the Faculty of Social and Political Affairs adjusted its name to the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Similarly, the name of the Institute of Scientific Inquiry was changed to a Research Institute, in order to be in accordance with the term in Government Regulation No. 5 of 1980.

Equalized Status for the Four Faculties

In order to change the system of education nationally, on May 19, 1986, the status was established equalized to four faculties in Parahyangan Catholic University, namely the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, and Faculty of Engineering, for a period of three years.

Recognized Status for Faculty of Philosophy

On September 1, 1986, the equated status was re-established for a period of three years, with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 0527/0/1989. On September 6, with the Decree of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 0560/0/1989, the status of the Faculty of Philosophy was upgraded to be recognized for a period of 4 years.

Implementation of Graduate Education

On November 23, 1990, the NTA-58 Project was inaugurated, which is a cooperation project between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of Belgium, with its implementation of three parties (University of Indonesia – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Parahyangan Catholic University) to organize postgraduate education S-2 (Master) in the field of Administrative And Economic Planning studies.

Establishment of the Sixth and Seventh Faculty

The opening of two new Faculties starting from the academic year 1993/1994, namely the Faculty of Industrial Technology with two majors (majoring in Industrial Engineering and majoring in Chemical Engineering) and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with two majors (majoring in Mathematics and majoring in Physics). Registered status for both new faculties was obtained through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 34/D/O/1993 dated April 20, 1993.

On February 3, 1994, with the enactment of the new regulation that the Faculty of Law no longer recognizes the department, but rather on the specialty program, then with the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 62 / DIKTI / Kep / 1994 re-established the status of equalized for the Law study program at the Faculty of Law UNPAR, which is valid for a period of 3 years.

Opening of New Diploma and Master Programs

On May 12, 1995, the Diploma III program of Corporate Management and Civil Engineering with registered status was obtained through the Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 120 / DIKTI / Kep / 1995. Four years later, two courses on the professional education track gained equalized status. On June 23, 1995 through the Decree of the Ministry of Education No. 312 / DIKTI / Kep / 1995 opened a Master program in the Post-Graduate Program with four Study Programs, namely Master of Management, Master of Legal Sciences, Master of Civil Engineering, and Master of Architecture.

Opening of the Computer Science Study Program

Dated August 8, 1996, based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 420 / DIKTI / Kep / 1996, opened the Department / Computer Science Study Program for undergraduate level in parahyangan Catholic University with registered status.

Accreditation of Study Programs

Dated November 17, 1997, based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 78 /D/O/1997, on the Results of Accreditation of Study Programs for Undergraduate Programs in Universities, the Study Program of Economics and Development Studies, Accounting, Management, Law, Commercial Administration Science, International Relations, State Administrative Sciences, Architectural Engineering and Civil Engineering received Accredited status.

Opening of the Doctoral Study Program

With the spirit of improving and developing the quality of human resources through Higher Education in Indonesia, on December 23, 1999 UNPAR successfully obtained a Permit for the Implementation of Doctoral Level Study Program (S3) for Civil Engineering, and Legal Sciences.

Opening of New Master’s and Doctoral Programs

On April 17, 2000, a Permit was obtained for the Implementation of the Master of Social Sciences Program, and the Doctoral Program in Architecture. Next on April 24, 2000 Permit for the Implementation of Master program in Theology, and Doctor of Economics.

Renaming FMIPA to FTIS and Establishment of Accounting Profession Program

To improve the quality of education, in 2008 the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences was renamed the Faculty of Information Technology and Science with study programs: Informatics Engineering (formerly Computer Science), Mathematics, and Physics. On December 31, 2008, the Faculty of Economics opened the Accounting Profession Education Program (in accordance with the decision of the Director General of Higher Education Number: 4690 / D / T / 2008).

Opening of a New Master Program

On February 3, 2009, the Graduate Program opened 2 new Master study programs, namely, Master of Industrial Engineering and Master of Chemical Engineering (in accordance with the Decree of the Director General of Dikti Number: 111/D/T/2009).

See Programs & Courses.

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